Trucking Database.

Search over 1.5 million DOT registered trucking and bus companies in the USA.

US Trucking Database

Search over 1.5 million US DOT registered truck and bus companies.

US trucking Companies

Motor Carrier Census Data are first collected when a carrier obtains a U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) number.

The Census data are primarily collected from: (1) Form MCS-150, filled out by the carrier, and (2) Form MCS-151, filled out by law enforcement as part of an investigation. Carriers are required to update their MCS-150 information biennially.

Carriers domiciled in States participating in Performance and Registration Information Systems Management (PRISM) Program update their Census data as part of the CMV registration process. The CSMS uses Census data for identification and normalization of safety-related data. Examples of Census data include USDOT number, carrier name, number and type of Power Units (PUs), annualized vehicle miles travelled (VMT), physical location, current status, and types of cargo hauled.

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